Thursday, September 29, 2011

blog#12 M-Antoinette

Who Was Marie Anotinette?  Marie Anotinette was the queen of France. She was born in Austria she was born on the same day as the famouse earthquake Lisbon. She was like most other princes she was to be married by who her parents chose and they chose Louis,grandson of Louis XVof france in 1770.He was assinted the throne in 1774 as Louis XV1. After he mouther died she became distant with almost everybody in her life. She was given a dimond necklace by a man that she had been haveing a afiar with but after he gave her the necklace she dummped him.        

In 1778 she gave bith to her first child it was a girl,in and then she went on to have two sons one in 1781 and a nouther in 1785. She was still distante from most people but they still said she was a loveing and devoted mouther.What Happend To  Marie Anotinette ?  She was beheaded. She was beheaded becuase she was queen during a unfortiant time in the French Revlustion
 They had many reasons for why they cut her haed of but hers just a few. The first reason is becuase she had a very expencive wardrobe and the king was useing France's money to buy her clothes and there wasent enough for the working people they were losing money not getting as much as they should have or because there was none to give them.

 Anouthe reason is because she was high in mocery, nobody liked her and also because she wasent realy from france that made it even easer to kill he. If her mom Tressea or hre bouther Joseph were still alive they could have sent help for her but they weren't so she not knowing they were going to kill her they took her to the guillotine. And also becuse she sufferd from fatel bith defect. She  was born in Austrian and that alone was adeqate to demand her death during the French Resaloution.
Some Facts About Marie Anotinette:  She was 15 when she got married.




Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog 8 / Feature Story IV - A Place

Warm Up; I would wright it about fance. Ive always wanted to go their and just hang out for a day or two. I think it would be fun.

Assigment: The place i want to right about is France. I have always wanted to go to france so here are some instring thing about it. The  population: approximately 2.2 million people 3.6% of total French population. In france they eat sanils,basil salmon,and many more things. They like to play football and scocer.

The people in france eat bagles and muffins and drink wine for brekfeast they even let the kids drink thier.They are a great place to vacation at have have fun with friends and with family.
France is about 80% the size of Texas. The french cluture was first born when they had to leave lousiana in 1975 arround the french and indian war.Thier presdint is Nicolas Sarkoy,thier prime minstor is Francois Fillion.
