Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Yuri Kozyrev: My Year On Revolution Road

In 2011, Yuri Kozyrev traveled to seven countries covering protests and uprisings for TIME  including Egypt, Bahrain, Libya, Yemen, Russia, Greece and Tunisia. Here, he writes about the remarkable experience and what all the revolutions had in common. Its unique that I’ve been able to cover all these uprisings and revolutions during the year. I’m lucky its incredibly complicated to understand where you need to go when you are  on the ground  and I was lucky to have a lot of help. The protests were well under way when I got to Tahrir Square in late January  and their size and scope took my breath away  in two decades of covering the Middle East I had never encountered anything like this.

 There was huge fighting between the pro-government supports and revolutionaries. Some of the journalists were beaten. Some of them lost their cameras. They kicked me out but I managed to get back in the next morning. I saw a lot of families not just young men or revolutionaries and everyone was helping each other  praying together.

 It was a great time. Everybody was waiting for Mubarak to make the right decision and suddenly it happened. And it was so emotional people crying shouting screaming  it was incredible. The next morning it was over. The army was kicking everyone out. They weren’t friendly there was a feeling of You got what you wanted. Now get out.

 Of all the revolutions I covered Egypt was the most special. 

The mood at the Pearl Roundabout in Bahrain was very different from Tahrir Square. In the first days I saw men in white robes approach police with flowers offerings of peace the response was tear-gas and live rounds. There was a huge difference between this army and the Egyptian army. People from Bahrain there was no way they could even talk to the army who had arrived from Saudi Arabia.

 There was no way for me to get to Pearl Square, so a few journalists and I watched what was happening from the hotel. There was one hospital where all the protesters were gathered together. And then the doctors did something incredible. Not all of them supported the protesters but they gave them shelter at the hospital and saved a lot of lives. I had a chance to go back to Bahrain after they demolished Pearl Square and again a few weeks ago and I saw young people who'd lost one eye to rubber bullets. It was just so sad and I just saw some of them. I know there were many more.

And if u would like to know anymore bout it just watch this 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Blog Assignment # 7 / Feature Story III - A Person

Warm Up: I  like animals, big nerdy glasses, cheese, neon colors, and the COOKIEMONSTER AND ELMO.

Assigment: Supper Women: Supper Women's real name is Lucy Lane. 
Her boyfriend is Supper Man. Supper Women was sent to earth to find her Father's killer then man with the kryopnite touch. Nobody really know's who Supper Women is or her association with project 7734.
Supper Woman flies towards Earth's star were then she meet Supper Girl. The two become close but Supper Girl still yet know's the amount of Supper Women's power yet or does she?

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

blog 20 / America Past Pics


Blog Assignment #20 Pics

Blog Assignment #22 / Teen News

Article 1:  I have been dancing since i was 2 yeard old but i had to stop when i was 8 because we couldnt afford it anymore. I have been wanting to go back to dancing for 5 years but i havent been able to, this would be something i would want to do for the rest of my life

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Blog#18 / Obama

Barack Obama:


Barrack oboma was born on April August, 4, 1961.  He is the 44th president of the untied states of America, Born in Honolulu, Hawaii, he grated from Columbia University, and from Harvard Law School. He was president of the Harvard law review. He was a community organizer in Chicago before earning his law degree. He worked as a civil rights attorney in Chicago and taught constitutional law at the University Of Chicago Law School from 1992 to 2004.

 He served three terms representing the 13th District in the Illinois Senate from 1997 to 2004. Obama was born on August 4, 1961, at Kapiʻolani Maternity & Gynecological Hospital now called Kapio dolani Medical Center for Women and Children in Honolulu, Hawaii and is the first President to have been born in Hawaii His mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, was born in Wichita, Kansas and was of English and Irish descent   His father, Barrack Obama, Sr., was a Lou from Nyang'oma Korero, Nyanza Province, Kenya.

Osama’s parents met in 1960 in a Russian language class at the University of Hawaii at Minoa, where his father was a foreign student on scholarship.[11][12] The couple married on February 2, 1961,  separated when Osama Sr. went to Harvard University on scholarship, and divorced in 1964.  Osama Sr. remarried and returned to Kenya, visiting Barrack in Hawaii only once, in 1971. He died in an automobile accident in 1982.

 this is oboma and his mother and grand-father and half sister

 Hers brick oboma’s family

Michelle Obama, nee Robinson, the wife of Barrack Obama, was born on January 17, 1964. Barrack and Michelle Obama have two daughters: Maia Ann born on July 4, 1998, and Natasha (known as Sasha born on June 10, 2001. They were both delivered by their parents' friend Dr. Anita Blanchard at University of Chicago Medical Center. Sasha is the youngest child to reside in the White House since John F. Kennedy, Jr. arrived as an infant in 1961.  Sasha is also the first White House resident who was born in the 21st century. Before his inauguration, President Obama published an open letter to his daughters in Parade magazine, describing what he wants for them and every child in America: to grow up in a world with no limits on your dreams and no achievements beyond your reach, and to grow into compassionate, committed women who will help build that world.


Maya Cassandra pronounced born August 15, 1970 in Jakarta, Indonesia is the maternal half-sister of Barack Obama, the 44th and current President of the United States. She was previously a high school history teacher and university instructor in Hawaii. Suitor-Ng was born Maya Suitor. After her parents divorced in 1980, her father remarried. From this marriage, she has another half-brother, Yusuf Aji Soetoro, And a half-sister, Rahayu Nurmaida 1984.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog #17 / Comics

1. ziggy: this is a story about a little boy named ziggy and he is always asking questions were ever he goes. so what is pretty much happeing in this story is. ziggy is on top of this moutian with this monk asking questions. so the mok says there are no stupid questions, my son - except for the ones stupid people ask of course!

2. curtis: Curtis is this little boy who always has this huge big green hat. he loves to make jokes and mess arround but he never likes it when people play with him. wat is pretty much going on in this story is curtis is at michelle's house and she is wering all red. and she's going on and on about what the color red means and hes going but its so funny then the girl goes red is also the color of boold and im not talking about mine and she looks at curtis. then curtis walks away and says ok it's not that funny anymore.

3. Mort Walkers Beattle Baily: this is a comic about a group of miltary buddies. well comander is at the generals house for a party when the comander wants to leave he pretends to leave. he tellas martha his wife im guessing to go slam the door like shes getting in the car. when she askes him what hes doing he goes shh im trying to hear wat ther saying about me.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

blog#12 M-Antoinette

Who Was Marie Anotinette?  Marie Anotinette was the queen of France. She was born in Austria she was born on the same day as the famouse earthquake Lisbon. She was like most other princes she was to be married by who her parents chose and they chose Louis,grandson of Louis XVof france in 1770.He was assinted the throne in 1774 as Louis XV1. After he mouther died she became distant with almost everybody in her life. She was given a dimond necklace by a man that she had been haveing a afiar with but after he gave her the necklace she dummped him.        

In 1778 she gave bith to her first child it was a girl,in and then she went on to have two sons one in 1781 and a nouther in 1785. She was still distante from most people but they still said she was a loveing and devoted mouther.What Happend To  Marie Anotinette ?  She was beheaded. She was beheaded becuase she was queen during a unfortiant time in the French Revlustion
 They had many reasons for why they cut her haed of but hers just a few. The first reason is becuase she had a very expencive wardrobe and the king was useing France's money to buy her clothes and there wasent enough for the working people they were losing money not getting as much as they should have or because there was none to give them.

 Anouthe reason is because she was high in mocery, nobody liked her and also because she wasent realy from france that made it even easer to kill he. If her mom Tressea or hre bouther Joseph were still alive they could have sent help for her but they weren't so she not knowing they were going to kill her they took her to the guillotine. And also becuse she sufferd from fatel bith defect. She  was born in Austrian and that alone was adeqate to demand her death during the French Resaloution.
Some Facts About Marie Anotinette:  She was 15 when she got married.




Monday, September 19, 2011

Blog 8 / Feature Story IV - A Place

Warm Up; I would wright it about fance. Ive always wanted to go their and just hang out for a day or two. I think it would be fun.

Assigment: The place i want to right about is France. I have always wanted to go to france so here are some instring thing about it. The  population: approximately 2.2 million people 3.6% of total French population. In france they eat sanils,basil salmon,and many more things. They like to play football and scocer.

The people in france eat bagles and muffins and drink wine for brekfeast they even let the kids drink thier.They are a great place to vacation at have have fun with friends and with family.
France is about 80% the size of Texas. The french cluture was first born when they had to leave lousiana in 1975 arround the french and indian war.Thier presdint is Nicolas Sarkoy,thier prime minstor is Francois Fillion.


Monday, August 29, 2011

blog #2

Warm Up: Some of my hobbies are i like to swim.
I like to dance and i like to play volleyball just for fun with friends.
I like to play softball i'm joining a team this year around November.
I like basketball to it just a fun game to play when your board or when you want a little excerzize.
I also like riding my bike and running with friends and having races running up and down the street but making sure cars din't hit us as we are running their or running back because on our street the cars always drive fast.

Blog Assignment #2:  

England doesn't have a kidney bank, but it does have a Liverpool

I used to like Russian dolls until I realised they were full of themselves!
I used to be addicted to soap but now I'm clean
While in Mexico, the chinese diplomat got a ticket for going the Wong way on the Juan Way street.

Things made in Australia are high koala-ty.
You don't know anything at all about ancient Egypt? Tut, tut, tut.

A business man who wanted more ties bought some in Thailand where ties are very collar full.
Two peanuts were walking tough a neighboorhood won of them was salted.

I wondered why the baseball was getting bigger. Then it hit me.

Did you hear about the guy whose whole left side was cut off? He's all right now.
There was a sign on the lawn at a drug re-hab center that said 'Keep off the Grass'.


  [yoo-ef-oh or, sometimesyoo-foh]  Show IPA
noun, plural UFO's, UFOs.
any unexplained moving object observed in the sky, especially oneassumed by some observers to be of extraterrestrial origin.

BUG: any insect or insectlike invertebrate


 such plants collectively, as when cultivated in lawns or usedas pasture for grazing animals or cut and dried as hay.

sea the salt waters that cover the greater part of the earth'ssurface.


laughing out loud; laugh out loud: used as a response tosomething funny or as a follow-up to something said only as joke.



any carnivore of the dogfamily Canidae, having prominentcanine teeth and, in the wild state, a long and slendermuzzle, a deep-chested muscular body, a bushy tail, andlarge, erect ears. Compare canid.


a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person
a friendly relation or intimacy.

friendly feeling or disposition.


 a book giving information on particular subjects or on aparticular class of words, names, or facts, usually arrangedalphabetically: a biographical dictionary; a dictionary ofmathematics

now  without further delay; immediately; at once: Either do it nowor not at all.

Epileptic Boy's Book Helps Raise Money for Seizure Dog

This book inentrested me because this little boy has seizures. 
Plus that he is only in the 2nd grade and he is a best time seller already. 
And this book has touched so many lives.
His mom got the idea about him wrighing a book to help make money because the dog was going to be 13,000 dallors. 
But to there surprise the family dint make 13,000 or sell 150 books like they wanted to they acculty dobbled in both ways.

Now they finaly raised enough money but they had thounds left over enough to buy 4 more seizure dogs for 4 more familes. And by the next june they will have there dog. 
And it is going to either be a poodle or a poodle mix that way it wont mess with the mouther's alergys.